Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Guest Speaker Dr. Arvenita Washington Cherry

Lecture by Dr. Arvenita Washington-Cherry

Review by Jasmin Eubanks, Grade 10, Age: 14

"What is the African Diaspora?" 
The African Diaspora is the movement, scattering and dispersal of people (either forced or voluntary) from an ancestral homeland. The literal meaning of "diaspora" come from the Jewish people referring to their removal from their homeland.  PG Country was officially established in 1696. Most people might have thought that people coming from Africa to Colonial Maryland were slaves but most of the people coming were Indentured servants. An indentured servant is sort of like a slave but they work for there freedom from there masters. 

"What happened after Emancipation?" 
After slaves were free the first thing they would do was try to build communities of African American people. The major things these communities needed to thrive were church, education (schools),  and recreation. There were times when hate crimes tore down thriving black communities. Crimes like burning down houses and schools where black people were, lynching also took place. 
                                Dr. Arvenita Washington Cherry talks about the Freedman Settlements