Culture Keepers watched first episode of a two part PBS series called Reconstruction: The Second Civil War . Keepers took notes and examined the nation post-Civil War (A brutal four year war over the annulment of slavery). Reconstruction was a twelve year period in which the people of United States were left to unite and relieve tensions between the northern states and the southern states. The southern states that had taken to Confederacy were to renounce their political title and rejoin the United States Union. Some southern states would not give up their place without a fight. Now emancipated, slaves we free to wander the nation as they please. However, white supremacists began to terrorize thriving black communities. Terrorist organizations, such as the Ku Klux Klan, would brutally slaughter any African American that attempted to voice their opinion and/or receive an education.
*Watch the film above*
Written by: Naima Shaw; 11th Grade